Grinfeld Fine Arts Auctions
The world leader on the Internet to auction Fine Art Works from Argentina


How do I sell art at Grinfeld?

There are two ways how you can sell your fine art works in Grinfeld.

1 - Through Auction
Through the Grinfeld Fine Arts Auctions web site. To do so you must register and login, at such web site, and place your fine art work for auction via the link Sell a fine art work. Placing your fine art work for auction is free. You can place your fine art work for auction during a period of 1 to 15 days. In case your fine art work does not sale you can repeat your auction up to 24 times. The contact between sellers and buyers is direct. You are not obliged to sell if after the auction is closed you do not want to sell. In case your fine art work sells, at Grinfeld Auction, the commission to Grinfeld is 10% and it is paid by the seller.

2 - Through Direct Sale
Placing your fine art work, or a portfolio of your fine art works, for direct sale, not auction, at the main Grinfeld site. In this case there is a monthly fee of US$24 for a maximum of 12 fine art works. After 12 fine art works the charge for each extra work to be offered, for direct sale, is of US$2 for each work. The initial cost for set up of the portfolio is of US$30 for a maximum of 12 works plus US$2.50 for each extra work. In case of making changes later on, the cost per work to be changed is US$2.50. The commission to Grinfeld for a fine art work sold is 10% and it is paid by the seller. To place a portfolio for direct sale at GRINFELD main site includes the Grinfeld™ Implemented Viewing System, for Fine Art Works on the internet, which allows precise viewing of images\\\' details at unsurpassed quality levels. The system allows zoom in and out as well as full image view.


How to publish a fine art work for selling via AUCTION

To publish an auction and sell a piece of art, you need to be a registered user. If you already are, log in with your username and password. If not, register first to get your username and password. Registration is free. Publishing auctions is also free. In case a piece is sold through Grinfeld auctions, the commission to Grinfeld for each sold piece is 10%. This commission is paid by the seller to Grinfeld.

To publish your artwork for sale through AUCTION:

Click on the button SELL A FINE ART WORK Then select the CATEGORY where you are going to publish, whether it is painting, acrylic, oil, etc. This will take you to the page SELL AN ARTWORK, where you will find a series of fields to fill out to publish your auction. Here is a step-by-step guide on what to enter in each field:


The selection will be made according to what you previously chose. If you need to change it, you can click on change category and then change it.

Title of the artwork

The title of the piece as you want it to appear.

Artist's name

The artist's name as you want it to appear.


Specify whether it is in inches or centimeters. For example, in centimeters: 120 x 60 cms.


The year, in numbers, when the piece was made, for example: 2013.

Description of this artwork

You will see a series of icons. You can ignore them and proceed directly to fill in the field, or use them as you like to format the text. Write in the field the description you want to make of the piece. You can put a single word or as many as you want, whatever you like. You can include information about the artist, the technique, etc. It is interesting to note that search engines like Google read this description and use it to rank the piece. So it is good to include the artist's name and the title of the piece here, as this helps the artist and the specific piece gain visibility.

Images of this artwork

You need to press the blue button and follow the instructions. This may be the part of publishing an auction that requires the most attention, but once you get familiar with it, it will be very easy. Ideally, upload images that are at least 900 pixels wide or more. You can upload up to 5 images. It is advisable to have one complete image of the whole piece, and the other four can be details. The maximum size each image can have is 4 MB.

Number of artworks

In most cases, it is 1 (one artwork). If you are offering a lot of works together, put the corresponding number.

The auction starts with

Here, choose the minimum amount with which you want the auction to start and enter it in numbers without commas or periods, and without cents.

Shipping fee

Leave it at 0 or enter an amount you desire. This fee is for those who charge an additional amount for packing and sending the piece, beyond the actual shipping cost. It is a fee that, in this case, you would charge the buyer for packing and sending the piece, apart from the selling price and the actual shipping cost. Remember, you can set it at 0 or any amount you want to charge.

Reserve price

First, select with a check, no or yes, and if you choose yes, enter the reserve price. This means you are not willing to sell for less than this amount. For example, if you set the auction to start at 1000 but are not willing to sell for less than 1500, put 1500 as the reserve price. The auction will start at 1000. Anyone who bids less than 1500 will be informed that the reserve price has not been met.

Start date

If you want your auction to be published immediately, choose to start the auction now. Check that, and the system will automatically set the current date. If you want the auction to start on a future date, enter that date manually.


This refers to the number of days your auction will be published. Choose the number by clicking on the arrow. It can be from one day to thirty days.

Shipping conditions

Choose The buyer pays shipping costs if you want the buyer to pay the shipping costs apart from the sale price of the piece. If you, as the seller, want to cover the shipping costs, choose The seller pays shipping costs. If you are willing to make international shipments (which is advisable), also check the box that says International shipping is accepted. Shipping terms Here you can put some description about the shipping, for example: The shipment is made according to international packaging standards to ensure the fine art work arrives in good condition... etc.

Payment methods

Check the ones you accept, for example: Credit card, PayPal, bank transfer, direct deposit, Bitcoin, etc.

Automatically republish

This refers to automatically republishing your auction once it has ended if there were no bids. Choose with the arrow the number of times you want the system to automatically republish your auction. When the auction ends, if there were no bids, the system will automatically republish your auction according to the number of times you chose.

When you have finished filling out all the fields, press the Submit auction button and your auction will be published. If, after publishing your auction, you want or need to edit something, you can do so without any problem as many times as you want. So don't worry if, after publishing your auction, you see that you need to make some changes.

When you have published one, two, or three auctions, you will become familiar with the system and will find it very easy and quick to publish new auctions, being able to do so in just a few minutes.
